With over 100 years worth of films to choose from, and many of these now available at the click of a button, it can be extremely difficult to narrow your choices down to pick a film to watch. Although cinema has been around for over four times longer than my life on this earth, I have spent what some may consider an unhealthy amount of these years delving into the history of films to discover some of the best hidden gems out there.
This series of articles aims to highlight the overlooked masterpieces that I have unearthed whilst exploring the forgotten recesses of cinema. Take a gamble on any one of these films and I guarantee that you will be eagerly awaiting all future instalments in this series. You may well have heard of a number of these films; my aim isn't merely to shine a spotlight on the most obscure films out there, but to share my enjoyment of those films which don't have the cult following I believe they deserve.
3. The Incident - Larry Peerce (1967)
4. Rapture - John Guillermin (1965)
6. The Incident - Isaac Ezban (2014)
15. Angst - Gerald Kargl (1983)

16. Schramm - Jorg Buttgereit (1993)

17. The Unknown - Tod Browning (1927)
19. The Cremator - Juraj Herz (1969)
21. Carriage To Vienna - Karel Kachyna (1966)
22. Tetsuo: The Iron Man - Shinya Tsukamoto (1989)

23. Symbol - Hitoshi Matsumoto (2009)

24. O Fovos - Kostas Manoussakis (1966)

25. Rapt - Dimitri Kirsanoff (1934)
26. LFO - Antonio Tublen (2014)

27. The Vanishing - George Sluizer (1988)

28. The Colour of Paradise - Majid Majidi (1999)

29. The Swimmer - Frank Perry (1968)
30. Bad Boy Bubby - Rolf De Heer (1993)
32. The War Zone - Tim Roth (1999)