From the very start of the film there is a subtle air of menace which hints at the foreboding danger to come, as well as informing the audience that Labor Day is likely to tread a darker path than Reitman's previous outings. This it does, but not without demonstrating some of the director's lighter quirks, such as references to pop culture and his ability to rekindle vivid memories of a time now past. An E.T. poster in Henry’s bedroom and the family’s choice of film viewing, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, serve not only as a reminder of the era the story is set in but both films referenced also feature a single mother struggling to keep her family together when alien intruders arrive, and this is surely no coincidence.

Winslett and Brolin are a joy to watch, as too is the young Gatlin Griffith, who confirms that he is an actor to keep an eye on in the future with his pitch perfect turn as Adele’s son Henry. Scenes with Henry and his estranged father towards the end of the film add an emotional note that is unexpected, as do the scenes he shares with Frank, proving that Reitman is an adept screenwriter as well as an accomplished director.
Amongst the current deluge of superhero films and children’s animations, it is refreshing to see an adult-orientated story that is firmly grounded in reality, whilst still providing enough unexpected turns to keep the audience firmly engrossed. Part coming of age drama, and part unlikely love story, Reitman perfectly balances these two elements to create a captivating picture that is sure to move all but the most cynical of viewers.
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