People embrace the enchanting glow of the big screen for all manner of reasons; to journey to faraway places they could only ever imagine, to experience the escapism of a captivating story, or maybe to indulge in an obsession with the world of cinema. For me, all three of these reasons apply - and many more - but first and foremost is the satisfaction of recommending obscure films to other like-minded individuals who adopt them as their new favourites.
With over 100 years worth of films to choose from, and many of these now available at the click of a button, it can be extremely difficult to narrow your choices down to pick a film to watch. Although cinema has been around for over four times longer than my life on this earth, I have spent what some may consider an unhealthy amount of these years delving into the history of films to discover some of the best hidden gems out there.
Runtime - 92 minutes
Les Enfants Du Paradis is undoubtedly Marcel Carne's masterpiece, and an underseen one at that, but his earlier films get even more short thrift, with Port of Shadows coming close to the brilliance of his three hour opus in only half the running time. Carne's penchant for doomed romances is in full swing in this atmospheric noir and Jean Gabin and Michele Morgan are perfectly cast as Jean, a deserting soldier escaping his duty, and Nelly, the reluctant mistress of a local gang who longs to distance herself from their cruel ways. Their paths cross amidst a host of shady players who dwell in the ports dingy bars - the kind of characters who wouldn't feel out of place in a Tarantino film - all of whom would be fascinating enough to feature in a film of their own. However, it is Jean and Nelly who steal the limelight as they try to put their troubled pasts behind them and kindle a blossoming romance that only serves to invite danger for both parties.
This enthralling film-noir was deemed too risque by its producer who cut a number of scenes he considered 'dirty' and it was later banned for being considered immoral and distressing to young people when war broke out in 1939. Its once outlandish subject matter may seem tame when viewed through a modern lens but, even if the societal implications of its story line have diminished over the years, Port of Shadows retains its potency to stir up an emotional resonance with a well crafted tale that harbours many surprises. Carne is a masterful Director and the wonderful script from Jacques Prevert, who adapted Pierre Dumarchais' novel, provided him with a taut and efficient screenplay that moves along at a brisk yet measured pace. Each of the character's story arcs weave together seamlessly and every action or utterance has a consequence or a purpose, leaving the audience completely captivated with the beguiling and unpredictable plot that plays out.

The gloomy port side bars allow Carne to cultivate a sombre mood and he utilises shadows and cigarette smoke to create a striking atmosphere befitting of the brooding tale he presents. A funfair that lights up the seafront at night offers a welcome respite from the dreary establishments our protagonists frequent, whilst serving to bring certain characters closer together in a memorable turn of events that gives us hope amidst the darkness. This is a film full of sadness where even the minor players have a tough time. The spark of love and the dreams of a new life take root in your soul only to come crushing down as the heartbreaking story unfolds and leaves devastation in its wake.
In the space of a few days this unassuming port town bears witness to gunfights, suicide and murder, with the dark tide of incidents stemming from the death of Nelly's criminal lover who we learn passed away in suspected foul play, shortly before Jean makes his entrance and becomes unintentionally embroiled in the commotion. The subsequent fallout has a profound impact on both of their lives and delivers a truly unforgettable resolution that showcases Carne's unbridled talent for the cinematic medium.

If you take the time to watch Port of Shadows then it would be awesome if you could also take the time to let me know what you thought of it, either by commenting below or tweeting me @filmbantha. Thanks, and enjoy!